how to get gum out of shoe
First, find a nice section of clear space near the bottom of the shoe. Then try applying toothpaste to the stain, which may work as a deterrent or attract more people who want to compete with you in eating it.
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Next, find some wet wipes or rags that are at least 10 inches square and wipe away any excess paste so you have room for maneuvering your fingers into the crevice between laces and sole as best possible.
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You know those times when you find a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe and want it out?
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If you want to get that gum out without damaging your favorite shoes, here's how:1. Put on a pair of rubber gloves.
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2. Wet a paper towel with warm water and wring it out so that it's damp but not wet.3. Place the dry paper towel over the gum spot in the shoe,
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fold it over so one corner is sticking up, and then put pressure on top of the spot with both thumbs while still holding down under with one hand (this will make sure that both hands don't slip).
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Gum is one of those common, everyday objects that most people can't imagine life without. It's always there, even when you're cleaning. Not to mention it's delicious,
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sticky texture and sweet smell make it a staple in any bag or pocket. But if all that isn't enough to make you pick up a
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pack of gum whenever you go through the checkout line (you know what I'm talking about), then maybe this post will be more helpful than expected.
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Gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe is one of life's little annoyances. There are many different ways to get it out, but here are two that work well!-
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Start by washing the gum off with some warm water and soap. Dry off any remaining moisture with a paper towel.
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This should loosen up the gum, making it easy to peel off on its own. If you skip this step, any attempts at removing it will be difficult or ineffective.
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- The next step is to use ice cubes on the gum if it's still sticking after being washed away with water and dried off. Put some ice cubes in a baggie or plastic wrap first so they don't melt too quickly.
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Gum is a sticky nightmare that most of us want to avoid as much as possible. But nearly as often, we find ourselves knee-deep in a sticky situation: gum stuck on our shoes, our clothes, and even our hair.
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This common predicament doesn't have to be so sullying or perilous — you can get rid of it easily with (almost) no effort!
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But getting gum out of your shoe won't just be easy or quick — there are many variables like surface type and the thickness of the material that will dictate how long it will take to remove the gum.
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